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[综合] 广信区2023年学业水平考试第二次模拟考试 英语听力材料

admin 发表于 2023-5-25 15:59:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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M: Im going shopping. Mum. Do you need anything?
W: Yes, get some apples and some oranges to make juice with.
M: Well, we already have lots of oranges.
W: OK, just some apples then.
A)请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听完每段对话后, 你都将有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
1. M: Look, some kids are having fun in the yard. Do you know them?
W: Yeah, Mandy is flying kites, Robin is playing football and Jessica is dancing.
2. M: Do you sometimes have your meals in front of the TV in the living room?
W: You mean on the sofa? No. Mum says we can’t do that. We haven’t got a dining room, so we usually eat in the kitchen.
3. W: Jack, why were you late?
  M: Well, my sister was badly ill and I have to take her to the hospital.
4. W: Hi, Jason! Would you like to go to the museum with us this afternoon?
   M: No, thanks. But an important basketball match is on TV.
5. M: Im really excited that we will go back to school next Monday.
W: You took the words out of my mouth!
B)请听下面4段材料。每段材料后有几个小题, 从题中所给的ABC三个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听每段材料前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段材料读两遍。
请听第1段材料, 回答第67小题。
W: What’s the matter, young man?
M:I have a stomachache.
W: Oh, let me see. Well, that’s not so serious. You can go to school and don’t forget to take this medicine.
M: OK. Then how should I take it?
W: Three times a day after meals.
M: Thanks.
W: Thats all right.
请听第2段材料, 回答第89小题。
W: Hi, Andy, you look nervous. What happens to you?
M: Hi, Lily. I can’t stop thinking about the competition next week.
W: Don’t worry too much. You’ll make it.
M: Thank you for cheering me up. I will try my best.
W: Maybe you can ask our teacher for help.
M: That’s a great idea. Thank you.
W: You are welcome.
请听第3段材料, 回答第1012小题。
M: Hi, Mandy, hows your new school?
W: Its great but I have to take the school bus every morning.
M: Well, at least, you dont have to take the train anymore.
W: But the bus comes at 6:30 a m. I have to get up at 5:45 and leave home in 30 minutes or I will miss the bus.
M: Wow, thats early. What about clothes? Do students have to wear uniforms?
W: Yes, we do and they look nice.
M: Cool! What about lunch?
W: We can eat either at school or outside
M:Great! Hows your school lunch?
W: Its tasty but I hate waiting in a long line.
请听第4段材料, 回答第1315小题。
W: Its great to see you again, Jeff. Have you been in the city long?
M: You too, Emma. Ive been here for about a week.
W: Okay. Have you been to the amusement park yet? Its not far away.
M: Yeah. There are so many people in the park.
W: Well, how about shopping? I know a great store.
M: Hmm... Im not interested in it you know.
W: Then how about visiting the space center?
M: Actually, Ive already been there and met a real astronaut. Thats amazing!
W: Wow, youve done a lot. Well, is there anything you want to do?
M: You know I just want to stay at the hotel today. Anyway thanks for your kind offer.
Hello, everyone! Welcome to Music Time! Here is some information about a pop concert. The famous band—Blue Moon will come to Shanghai this Saturday. They will stay in Shanghai for 7 days. The concert will be held in the Shanghai Music Hall. Tickets are sold in the office of the Music Hall. Please call 654-2589, if you want to book a ticket. The price is 400 yuan for an adult and 200 yuan for a kid. Please remember, you are not allowed to smoke or take your pets into the hall. Hope you can enjoy it! Thank you for listening.
1-5 CABCA      6-10 BCCBA        11-15 BCABA
16. this Saturday        17. Music Hall         18. 654-2589        19. 200         20. smoke
21-24 CDBA             25-28 CABD
A) 29-33 BCDDB                         34-38 CDACD                   39-43 BBACA
B) 44. English    45. carefully       46. regarded           47. while            48. culture
49. respect     50. lose          51. easy         52. for       53. to understand         54.actually
55-57 CAD         58-62 BADDC           63-67 DBDAC          68-72 BACDB         
73-77 BGEAD
78-82 BFEAG
Possible Version One:
I do agree with it. As the time goes by, we may separate from our friends but our friendship will last forever. No matter when and where our friends need help, well give a hand at once.
During the past three years, I have made a lot of friends. However, my best friend is Jay whom Ill remember forever. The reasons are as follows. On the one hand, he is a warm-hearted boy who is always there to reach my hand whenever I get in trouble. On the other hand, he knows me best. We always study and exercise together. We share our happiness and sadness and encourage each other.
   With the development of science and technology, its easy for us to keep in touch with each other. We can talk on Wechat, QQ or mobile phone. If we like, we can go out together on weekends.

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