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王建华 发表于 2020-7-2 10:22:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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1. Let’s go to the library this afternoon!
2. What does your sister look like?
3. How is the weather?
4. What are those children doing?
5. How can we get there?.
6. M: Do you think the elephant is a kind of useful animal?
W: Yes. They can help us do a lot of heavy and boring work.
7. W: What do your grandparents usually do in the morning, Peter?
M: My grandfather often takes a walk and my grandmother often draws pictures.
8. M: Did you have a good time last Monday, Helen?
W: Yes. I went to a farm and had fun.
9. W: Tomorrow is Wednesday. Do we have to wear uniforms?
M: No. But on Friday we have to wear uniforms.
10. M: Do you usually go to school by bike, Jill?
W: No ,I don’t. I can’t ride a bike, so I take a bus.
M: What did you do yesterday, Alice?
W: I joined a pet club and went to a talk yesterday.
M: Really? What was the talk about?
W: About dogs. We learned how to look after them.
W: Hi, Dave. Would you like to come to my birthday party?
M: Yes, I’d love to, Lucy. When is it?
W: This Saturday.
M: What do you usually eat at your birthday party?
W: We usually eat noodles with eggs or dumplings. And we eat birthday cakes, too. But I like birthday cakes best.
M: Do you sing Happy Birthday?
W: Yes. We sing it in both Chinese and English.
Hello, I m Li Xi. I study in No. 10 Middle School. I think English is interesting, but it's difficult for me. I have a penfriend from Australia. His name is Mike. I like to talk to him in English. I think it can help me with my English. I like watching TV, and Mike likes it, too. I like playing soccer, and he does, too. I like noodles and he does, too. But Mike likes art best and he wants to be an artist. And I want to be a soccer star. This summer, Mike would like to come to see me. How great it is

1~5 BBCAA 6~10 BABAC 11~15ACBBA
16.No.10   17. interesting 18.noodles 19.art 20.a soccer star
21~25 CBABD
26~30 CDBAB 31~35 CBCBC
四、完形填空( 20)
A) 36~40 ADBAB  41~45 DBBCA
B) 46.our 47.moved 48.height 49.glasses 50.are
51.well 52.country 53. misses 54.different 55.winter
五、 阅读理解 (30分)
56~60 DDBCC  61~65 CCDBA  66~70 AABCD
71~75 CBFGD
One possible version:
        I’ m happy our school swimming pool will open next week. Here are some rules. We can only go swimming from 5: 00 p.m. to 9: 30 p. m. from Monday to Friday. We must remember to take a shower before swimming and to wear our swimming cap. We mustn’t run! Also, we can’t eat or drink in the pool. All of us need to follow the rules and we must help keep the pool clean.



 楼主| 王建华 发表于 2020-7-2 10:23:47 | 显示全部楼层
1. How did you go to the space museum?
2. How long have you had your computer?
3. What do you think of these old Chinese stories?
4. What can I do to help the old people?
5. Could you help me take care of my dog?
B) 听对话两遍,选择最佳答案。
6. W: I have bought a gift for you, Jimmy.
M: Oh, a toy tiger. I like it very much. Thank you, Mom.
7. W: Have you ever visited the history museum, Steve?
M: Yes. I went there yesterday morning.
8. M: Could I use your bike this morning, Emma?
W: Sorry. It's 9 o’clock. My cousin just rode my bike away an hour ago.
9. W: I take the guitar lesson every Saturday. Do you want to take it, Tim?
M: I'd like to, Maria. But I have to take the math lesson, because my mother wants me to be an engineer.
10. W: What s wrong with your head, Billy?
M: I walked straight into a tree and hurt my head.
W: Bill, were you doing your homework at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon?
M: No, Lily. I was helping my mother with housework.
W: Was your father at home then?
M: Yes. He was writing a report.
W: Mike, have you read Alice in Wonderland?
M: No, never.
W: It's a very interesting book. I have one and I finished reading it two weeks ago. I can lend it to you.
M: Thank you, Sally.
W: You’re welcome. By the way, do you have any plans this afternoon ?
M: No. What about you ?
W: I want to buy some books. Can you go to the bookstore with me?
M: OK.
D) 请听下面一段独白,根据独白内容完成5个句子,每个句子一空,每个空格不超过3个单词。读两遍。
    When Marcus was a primary school student, he liked reading newspapers very much. One December evening , he saw a story on the newspaper about the homeless. At that time, Marcus decided to help the homeless. He noticed there was a homeless man near his house. He wanted to help him, although he was only 10 years old. It was going to be very cold in the following days, so he collected several clothes his family didn’t really need and gave them to the homeless man. The experience changed Marcus’ life. He wanted to make a difference, so Marcus began looking for more clothes and food to give to the homeless. Up to now, he has helped the homeless people for 8 years.
1~5 CAACB  6~10 BAACB  11~15 BABBC
16.reading newspaper(s) 17.December   18.clothes 19. life 20.18/eighteen
21~25 BADBB  26~30 DCCDB
A) 31~35 BDCAC  36~40 DBBAA 41~45 CADBA
B) 46.With 47.village  48.returned  49. farmers 50. character
   51.Slowly 52.interested 53.selling 54.their 55.closer  
56~60 BBCDD  61~65 ADACD 66~70 CDCBD
71~75 EFDBG
One possible version:
I' m Li Hua. Here are the results of the survey(调查) on how my classmates spend their luck money.
40% of them spend their lucky money buying books and something useful for their studies. 20% save their lucky money in the bank. They will take it out when they really need it. 30% use it for their hobbies, such as stamp collecting, music and sports .Only 10% use it to buy food, clothes and so on. In my opinion, everyone has their own way of spending their lucky money. But the most important thing is that we should spend it in the right way.Making right spending decisions goes hand in hand with saving. I also think we can use our lucky money to do something meaningful. For example,we can give it away to the Project Hope so that we will play a part in helping the poor children.


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