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张响宇 发表于 2013-12-5 09:06:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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9 q3 K) {( g; g1 M& S
语言教学的六个基本概念:语境、真实、过程、反思、互动、整合9 |0 |  |% i+ C6 N& w
) R( a3 ?. S) @4 ], K5 c" R
Diane J. Tedick在 Proficiency-Oriented Language Instruction and Assessment (POLIA) Curriculum Handbook for Teachers一书的导言中总结了语言教学的六个基本概念(basic concepts):语境、真实、过程、反思、互动、整合
6 a! L. e! w4 y5 |至今依然很有启发,因为总在修改各种设计,大多数问题都是语境、真实性、过程方面的问题。9 P& r5 a2 o. _" Q
7 s* c  Y3 g1 D
Contextualization of grammar involves teaching grammar in context , that is embedded in% b6 t* Q' H# I: d; ~
meaningful language use for real communicative purposes; grammar that is presented in
5 B  r$ e! h& qcontext enhances meaning; contextualized teaching recognizes that meaning changes. U  Q- {2 m1 I5 S& Z6 ^$ Z5 \
depending upon the context in which it occurs.
# O. ]6 C' j# f0 W* M/ H; K/ e& |Authenticity of Text and Task—authentic texts and tasks reflect the intention of a real6 ~' Y# J9 y0 K2 Q3 ?
communicative purpose for a real audience.
6 Q5 k5 A7 j- c& k9 h( MProcess—language acquisition (be it first, second, or third...) is an ongoing process that
8 d/ Q0 F7 \: N) V: Grequires a great deal of time, patience, thought, effort, and encouragement. Recognition of the
( B6 v5 A) B* c. N9 z2 x! q* _nature of this process needs to guide instruction and assessment.9 S" _. j1 C' o. W: [; p, ~2 Z
Reflection—both teachers and students need time for deliberate thought, or reflection.0 c( l0 q& o* q: _/ R* x, g
Interaction—learners must use language in meaningful interaction in order to learn it.# V" S) M5 ~+ c8 _8 k$ t
Integration—an integrative approach to language teaching sees the connection of languages& |& ^# Z  a' g0 Q
and cultures to what we do, how we think, and who we are.
* o# _# }& p- f) G* |% W      of the four modalities—creating classroom activities that require students to use; h6 a% p% c; E$ ~) }
language within two or more of the four modalities, with attention to how those
( [8 n1 O4 i" \; i  z3 N; ?modalities work within the framework of communicative modes, helps to reinforce
/ S. {3 E+ P1 @, X, C! sthe concepts being emphasized.
% s. r/ a6 S$ F3 O/ B, d+ ]4 L      of language and content—language must be integrated with content, be it other
1 N3 J+ q4 c3 S% r) V4 b! Eacademic subject matters or cultural themes. A content-based approach to language
0 c! W! h& r1 nteaching emphasizes language use; language structures are emphasized in the
5 O. k1 U3 O, Y( d7 ?context of that use. Language classrooms must become places where students and7 O- |2 H* L( B
teachers understand themselves as cultural beings and begin to discover the
9 H1 b$ k- S. q1 q" ^0 m0 Q8 Jcomplexity of the concept of culture as they view cultures both within and outside
) Q5 P0 m& D8 [+ P4 X$ uof the U.S. from a number of perspectives.
  I1 L7 ~2 Y- G
' _, i3 w; e8 H1 \

4 _8 o8 n/ J% h( w8 Z



张忠信 发表于 2014-1-2 09:01:34 | 显示全部楼层


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