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已有 659 次阅读2016-9-23 22:00 |个人分类:试卷|系统分类:教学反思| 英语




一、            听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)

(     ) 1A.nose         B.rose            C.goes

(     ) 2. A. foot         B.  fat            C. feet

(     ) 3. A. go hiking      B. go shopping      C. go fishing

(     ) 4. A. short       B. sorry            C. story

(     ) 5. A. thin        B. thinner          C. think

二、            听录音,给下列图片标号。(10分)


(     )      (     )      (     )       (     )       (     )

三、            听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分)

(     ) 1.  A. I played football.   B. I played basketball.                                  

          C. I played computer games.

(     ) 2. A. I hurt my foot.     B. He hurt his hand. 

          C. She hurt her leg.

(     ) 3. A. She is excited.      B. She is tired.      C. He is excited.

(     ) 4. A. I'm 1.52 m.            B. I'm 1.6m.           C. I'm 1.56 m.

(     ) 5. A. John did homework last weekend.

  B. John did housework last weekend.

  C. Jim worked last weekend.


四、            听录音,完成短文。(10分)

A. read    B. saw C. happy    D. bus    E. went




Today was a fun day. I _____to Amy’s home in the morning.

We _____a story book. Then we went to a park by______.

We _______some elephants. We were______.

五、            听录音,选出正确的答语。(10分)

(     ) 1. A. I’m fine.       B.I’m nine.             C.I’m 50kg.

(     ) 2. A. I’m 160cm.         B. I’m 12 years old.      C. I’m 48kg.

(     ) 3. A. He feels bored. B. She feels tired     C. I feel sick

(     ) 4. A. I cleaned the room.     B. I am going to Beijing.                

         C.I can clean the room.

(     ) 5. A. It’s Oct. 1st .  B. It’s Dec. 25th .  C. It’s Dec. 28th .



六、            读一读,选出画线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)

(     ) 1. A. that     B. this     C. thin     D. mother

(     ) 2. A. name    B. she      C. me      D. he

(     ) 3. A. see      B. bread    C. eat     D. sheep

(     ) 4. A. rice      B. ice      C. bike     D. it

(     ) 5. A. food      B. room    C. book    D. school

七、            根据句意,选择相应的图片。(10分)


(     ) 1. Your feet are bigger than mine. My shoes are size 37.

(     ) 2. A: What did John do yesterday?      B: He slept all day.

(     ) 3. Come and look at my photos from the Labour Day holiday.

(     ) 4. I took lots of pictures last weekend.

(     ) 5. My pen pal lives in Australia. She likes studying Chinese.

八、            单项选择。(10分)

(    ) 1. Beijing is_______than  Shangrao.

       A. big          B. bigger         C. biger

(    ) 2. He______a cat.

A. have        B.has            C. had

(    ) 3. Line up from shorter ____ taller.     

      A. at           B. to              C.in

(    ) 4. My boxes are bigger than _________.

      A. you          B. your           C.  yours

(    ) 5. Did you          mountains last weekend?

       A. climb       B. climbing       C. climbed

(    ) 6.Would you like some______?----Yes,please.

       A.potato      B.potatoes       C. potatos

(    ) 7. Listen! Susan _____  in her classroom.

       A. sings           B. singing           C. is singing    

(    ) 8. Are you going to wash your clothes this evening ? _______.

       A. Yes ,I do .  B. Yes, I am .    C. No, I don’t.

(    ) 9.----I am ill . -----I’m _____ to hear that.

       A. glad        B. sorry         C. sad

(    ) 10. He  ___ a book yesterday. 

      A. reads       B. read          C. is reading

九、            阅读短文,回答问题。(10分)

    Hi,I’m Jenny.Last weekend I visited my uncle and aunt in Hangzhou.I went there by bus.I got to Hangzhou at about 10:00 in the morning.Then my aunt,my cousin—Tony and I took a taxi to the West Lake(西湖).My uncle is a taxi driver.Then we went to the Taiziwan Park(太子湾公园) on foot.It was a hot day.We felt hot and hungry.We sat under a big tree and had our lunch.We ate bread, orange juice, hamburger, milk and some bananas.We were very happy that day.

(    ) 1.When did Jenny visit her aunt and uncle?

       A.This weekend    B.Last weekend    C. I don’t know.

(    ) 2..How did Jenny go to the West Lake?

       A.By train.         B.By taxi.         C.By bus.

(    ) 3.Where did they have lunch?

       A.Under a big tree.  B.In a boat.      C.In the restaurant.

(    ) 4.What does Jenny’s uncle do?

       A.He is a teacher.    B.He is a taxi driver.  C.He is a doctor.

(    ) 5.How was the weekend?

       A.It was sad         B.It was busy        C.It was good.

十、                  作文。(10分)


My Friend

     Mike is my friend._____________________________



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