
分享 The furthest distance in the world(世界上最遥远的距离)
admin 2015-1-5 11:05
The furthest distance in the world The furthest distance in the world Is not between life and death But when I stand in fro ...
1188 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 我有一个梦想--编织成就教研梦想的四维网
admin 2014-7-4 08:18
江西省上饶县教研室王建华 写下“梦想”这个词儿的时候,心里润化的是一种甜美滋味,对于“奔四”的我,这个词的动人意味仍然会激起一波一波心的涟漪。 记得很小的时候,梦想是拥有一个白花花的馒头,可以一小片一小片一小粒一小粒地送进嘴里,慢慢融去;初中的时候,梦想拥有一根笛子 ...
607 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 点、线、面和体之间的关系
admin 2014-4-28 21:53
点 Dot 线line 面plane 体cube 点的哲学含义: 点就是宇宙的起源,没有任何体积,被挤在宇宙的“边缘”; 点是所有图形的基础。 线的哲学含义: 线就是由无数个点连接而成的。 面的哲学含义: 面就是由无数条线组成的。 点 1、 认识点 点,《 辞海 》的解释 ...
5017 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Multitasking for language learners
admin 2013-4-14 20:33
Are you seeing the importance of multitasking for language learners? As a language learner, I think writing, speaking, listening and reading are four fundamental sectors of learning language. If we can multitask when learning language, such as English, these four parts must be applied ...
662 次阅读|1 个评论 热度 1
分享 【好朋友应具备哪些?】
admin 2013-3-24 08:40
a listening ear倾听心事; a warm shoulder 温暖的肩膀; a helping hand 提供帮助; share everything分享一切; give good advice.提出好的建议; always tell u the truth.总是真诚相待; encourage each other鼓励彼此; never expect anything in return.不期望回报;
729 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 How to help your children to read and write
admin 2011-12-7 11:20
Here are 8 tips on how to help your children to read and write: ² having everyday conversations with your children ² trying to ask more “wh-” quest ...
1289 次阅读|7 个评论 热度 8

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