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陈倩文: You have to believe in yourself. That's the secret of success.
2013-4-11 17:08 回复|
龚晶: Remember the three words when you're upset:never mind; It doesn't matter; It will be over in the end.
2013-4-11 15:00 回复|
admin: China's cases of the H7N9 bird flu viruses have damaged some of the country's poultry sector.
2013-4-11 11:06 回复|
李兰: Within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live.
2013-4-10 19:22 回复|
张响宇: I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day---(Abraham Lincoln)我没有什么技巧,我只是每天做到全力以赴!
2013-4-6 10:39 回复|
admin: 人生最大的不幸,就是觉得不到自己的幸福!
2013-4-6 09:18 回复|
李兰: If I rest, I rust.
2013-4-5 11:30 回复|
李兰: The book is a living voice. It is an intellect to which on still listens.
2013-4-2 19:43 回复|
张响宇: Love what you do but not what you love. . It Makes sense.
2013-4-1 22:33 回复|
李兰: Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind.
2013-4-1 21:10 回复|
余慧: time is gold ,money can't buy.
2013-3-29 08:33 回复|
余慧: 开会
2013-3-20 09:37 回复|
谢金玲: 无论是生活还是工作都是不进则退!
2013-3-19 15:48 回复|
余慧: 真是矛盾。
2013-3-16 08:58 回复|
张响宇: 教而不研则浅,学而不教则空!
2013-3-11 15:33 回复|
admin: Four Dimension English Teaching & Research Website- a service platform.
2013-3-10 21:03 回复|
杨伟: Good luck ,2013. It's another fresh start  .holidays are  coming to an end,almost all  my friends went back to work. it seens everything goes on  like the normal days ,holidays are over.
2013-2-20 15:57 回复|
admin: Happy Chinese lunar snake year!!
2013-2-9 19:08 回复|
admin: If not now, when? If not me, who?此时此刻,舍我其谁!(马云)
2013-1-28 16:44 回复|
余慧: 依然不是我理想的地,
2012-10-14 11:31 回复|

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