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admin: 事情一件接一件,考验人啊。
2013-5-7 16:38 回复|
吴宝芬: The sun is going down, think what do you get today?
2013-5-6 21:56 回复|
曾青杏: I am waiting time
2013-5-6 21:14 回复|
李兰: 人生之幸福,莫过于“我愿意”这三字!
2013-5-6 11:31 回复|
徐慧: 有木有和我一样的一星期17节课全是上英语的 六年级毕业班 到底怎么办 乡下孩子的素质真心的不知道怎么说 就有真么多你求他学都不学。。so what  
2013-5-4 11:43 回复|
张响宇: Teachers are all in action! Teachig plan of Grade3 is in gradual accumulation. "Great expectation".....
2013-5-2 22:04 回复|
李兰: to sleep with a prayer for the beloved in your heart and a song of praise upon your lips.
2013-5-2 18:09 回复|
admin: 依托四维,携梦想前行,执着坚定地行走在实践教研理想的道路上......
2013-4-29 10:10 回复|
张响宇: May Day Holiday.....
2013-4-28 17:07 回复|
吴宝芬: wish everyone has a happy holiday.
2013-4-28 13:45 回复|
吴宝芬: process~~~~`
2013-4-27 14:40 回复|
吕琪: 教英语总是没有成就感~~~~
2013-4-26 22:03 回复|
李琴: 今天早上学生读英语很卖力,表扬一下哈!
2013-4-25 12:20 回复|
吴宝芬: It's necessary to change oneself, but the process is so difficult.
2013-4-25 09:32 回复|
吕琪: 今天考了模拟考····平均分依旧40分~~~         
2013-4-24 18:55 回复|
吴宝芬: Concentrate on what you should do.
2013-4-24 15:06 回复|
王燕丽: The deceased rest in peace, living strong.逝者安息,生者坚强。
2013-4-24 07:39 回复|
徐慧: 从事教师行业已是第二年,虽然我的专业是英语,但真正教授了这么课,遇见了不同的学生、课堂情况才知道不是说你会英语就能教好英语
2013-4-23 21:26 回复|
李琴: I  ate delicious  food  at lunch!
2013-4-23 12:17 回复|
吴宝芬: At least we are healthy, so this is the biggest wealth.
2013-4-23 10:07 回复|

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