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admin: Anyone who believes in his ability can do anything. 相信自己能力的人,任何事情都能够做到
2020-4-6 22:03 回复|
admin: Goals determine what you're going to be 人生的奋斗目标决定你将成为怎样的人
2020-4-6 08:23 回复|
admin: Man errs as long as he strives失误是进取的代价
2020-4-1 21:14 回复|
admin: Adversity is the midwife of genius逆境造就天才
2020-4-1 09:02 回复|
admin: Hang on to your dreams追逐梦想
2020-3-30 09:15 回复|
admin: Bad times make a good man。艰难困苦出能人
2020-3-29 07:15 回复|
admin: Redouble your efforts.加倍努力!
2020-3-28 06:47 回复|
admin: Act enthusiastically and you will be enthusiastic. 带着激情做事,你就会有激情
2020-3-27 15:36 回复|
江小阳: lOng time no see!
2019-1-16 09:22 回复|
2018-6-13 11:35 回复|
严丽娟: The only limit to our realization of tomorrow is our doubts of today .
2018-3-12 04:33 回复|
严丽娟: 读书不是为了雄辩和驳斥,也不是为了轻信和盲从,而是为了更好的思辨和权衡!
2018-3-10 04:09 回复|
admin: 孩子的学习能力发展是有规律的。13岁以前,孩子的形象思维、直觉思维、模仿能力比较强,这个阶段学语言最合适。比如小学背古诗就比大学再背要容易。到了高中,抽象思维、逻辑推理能力发展起来了,再学数学等学科会更 ...
2018-1-14 21:58 回复|
admin: 子曰:君子耻其言而过其行。译文:君子认为说的多而做的少是可耻的。
2018-1-14 09:30 回复|
admin: Persistence is the common trait of anyone who has had a significant impact on the world. 坚持是世界上每个有建树的人共有的品质。
2017-11-28 10:45 回复|
刘小兵: Good night!
2017-9-12 22:21 回复|
admin: 《时空恋旅人》里有句话:We're all travelling through time together everyday of our lives. 我们生命的每一天都是在时间中的旅行 All we can do is do our best to relish this remarkable ride. 我们所能做 ...
2017-8-10 08:26 回复|
admin: When lord closed a door, somewhere he opened a window.当上帝给你关上一扇门,总会在某个地方为你打开一扇窗
2017-6-13 22:35 回复|
admin: Alone we may go fast, but together we can go further.(独行也许走得很快,但同行能让我们走得更远。)
2017-6-9 17:23 回复|
admin: What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. 今天你做好的事情,可能将改善你未来的每一天呀!
2017-5-22 11:32 回复|

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