
分享 Is It Ever Too Late To Learn a New Language?
王建华 2020-8-21 08:23
In today'sworld, most societies are made up of people from all sorts of different backgrounds. It's not unusual to go to school with children who speak more than one language at home. The modern global economy has connected so many different parts of the wo ...
311 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 余生:不讨好,不解释,不勉强
admin 2020-8-8 22:39
这个世界,并不是谁都会在乎你,也不是谁都会理解你。 反过来,你也不必让人人满意,学着“不讨好,不解释,不勉强”,遵从自己的内心,做最真实的自己。 需讨好的都是虚情;要解释的并未良人。 勉强有的不能长久;凑乎过的终会伤心。 01 不讨好他人 任何你需费力讨好的关系都不能长 ...
582 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Change
王建华 2020-5-22 19:52
Rod Bolitho: Change methodology,the teachers don't change easily.Change the textbooks you change a lot,but you don't change much.Change the exams and textbooks,the methodology will follow.Change the exams you change everything.
355 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 爱因斯坦致青年的信
admin 2020-4-30 23:06
Youth   O Youth: Do you know that yours is not the first generation to yearn for a life full of beauty and freedom? Do you know that all your ancestors felt as you do - and fell victim to trouble and hatred? Do you know, also, that your fervent wishes can only find fulfillment if you succeed in a ...
592 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 自我成长
admin 2020-4-17 06:52
教育 从来不是孩子的功课, 而是父母的修行。 爱是一种本能, 但高质量的爱, 需要永不停息地自我成长。 若有一天, 您懂得了四两拨千斤, 懂得了润物细无声, 懂得了因势诱导, 懂得了共情与尊重, 您会发现—— 最好的教育, 其实非常简单, 那就是家长的自我成长, 是一个生命影响另一个生命……
1088 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 教师四个境界
admin 2020-4-14 08:51
做人有四种话不能说,即“被忽略了不说怨话,受挫折了不说胡话,嫉妒别人时不说闲话,被肯定时不说狂话”,目中有人才有路,心中有人才有度。做好教师要达到四个境界:一要让学生瞧得起,学高为师,身正为范;二要让自己心安,当教师就要凭良心做事;三要让学校骄傲,让自己所从事的任何工作和职位无人能替代;四要让历史铭记 ...
1146 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 小王子经典语录
admin 2020-4-9 19:44
分享小王子的经典语录 To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we ...
1211 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 没有谁是一座孤岛
admin 2020-3-28 07:01
有没谁是一座岛孤 作者:翰约·多恩 有没谁是一座孤岛, 在大里海独踞; 每个人都像一块小小的泥土, 成接连整个陆地。 如果有块一泥土被海水冲刷, 洲欧就会失去一角, 这同如一座山岬, 也如同座一庄园, 是论无你的还是你友朋的。 无论谁死了, 都是我的分部一在死去, 为因我包含在类人这个概念里。 ...
1253 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 2018-07-28
admin 2018-7-28 17:29
If by life you were deceived, don't be dismal, don't be wild! In the day of grief, be mild. Merry days will come, believe. 假如生活欺骗了你,不要悲伤,不要心急!忧郁的日子里须要镇静:相信吧,快乐的日子将会来临!
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