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热度 3已有 812 次阅读2013-4-10 15:43 |个人分类:教学感悟|系统分类:他山之石| REACH, 教学

     英语中不少单词如将其字母拆分开来,可以拓展、引申出若干故事。网上读得一则REACH即为其中之一。加拿大一所小学将其作为 “学生行为准则” (Code of conduct)。请看他们给这五个英语字母所赋予的内涵:

 Respect each other,ourselves, the school and property;


 Excel in all that we set out to do and should do;


 Accept ourselves and others;


 Care about each other and each other's feelings;


  Help when help is needed.


         联想到某老师在一次公开课中,所设计课件中的Warming-up: Guess the first letter,匠心独运。给教学提供了一个很好的范例,值得效仿。现分享于此,以飨老师们并期待大家的杰作。

 Guess the first letter:

 ___hina will hold the 29th Olympic Games.

 ___utside the house,there are two trees.

 ___ever shall I give up.

 ___riends are important to us.

____ce-cream is popular with girls.

 ____arling, I love you so much.

 ___ating too much is harmful to your healthy.

 ____either you nor I am right.

 ____ustoms differ in different countries.

 ____very child in the class passed the exam.


发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 龚红英 2013-4-11 16:02
回复 罗琪 2013-5-21 12:47
回复 许吉鹏 2014-9-25 10:23
很 有新意 很有思想

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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