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已有 212 次阅读2021-3-2 11:11 |系统分类:教学备课

Will people have robots?Section B 2a-2b

Today I’m going to talk about a reading class, taken from Section B of Unit 7, book 1 of grade 8, published by People’s Education Press. The topic is Do you think you will have your own robot?. I’ve been ready to finish this lesson in 8 parts.


Part 1 Analysis of teaching material

The first is analysis of teaching material. The content of this lesson is about robots. Such a topic is related to children’s daily life, so it is helpful to raise learning interest of students. My lesson includes two parts. In section one, it mainly talks about robots. And in section two, it asks students to use reading strategies to make deep comprehension by themselves.


Part 2 Analysis of students

The second is analysis of students. Students of grade 8 have learned English for some years and they have some basic English background knowledge. They are eager to express, eager to learn and fond of activities but their abstract thinking is not fully developed and they can be easily distracted, so I should attach importance to the communication with students and provide them with more chances to use reading strategies.


Part 3 Teaching aims

On studying the new curriculum standard, teaching material and students’ mind, I put forward my teaching aims:

Firstly, knowledge aims: students can read, recognize and use these words:future, possible, get bored, disagree with. And most students are able to understand the main idea of this passage.

Next, ability aims: students can use reading strategies like skimming and scanning correctly in the reading process. Moreover, students can predict and summarize some information.

Last, emotion aims: students can cultivate and foster their ability of cooperation and competition and enjoy future.


Part 4 Teaching key points and difficult points

According to the teaching aims, I think the key points of this lesson are to enable students to understand the passage and develop their reading skills. The difficult points are to enable students to master the usage of some reading strategies.


Part 5 Teaching methods and studying methods

Well, to stress key points and break through difficult points, I’ll talk about my teaching methods below.

On the basis of social intercourse teaching theories, I adopt the communicative language teaching method and task-based language teaching method. As to the studying methods, students understand the passage by autonomous learning, cooperation and exploration.


Part 6 Teaching aids

In order to increase the effectiveness of teaching and learning, I use a picture and PPT as teaching aids.


Part 7 Teaching procedures

Then, we come to the most important part. For the teaching procedures, I design 4 steps to achieve my aims.

Step 1 Pre-reading

Before the class, I ask students to do a survey about robots. Then I design a free talk. Boys and girls, do you know Baymax? Right, its a robot. What does he look like?a big white bear. What can he do? a personal doctor. He can cure. Great, you have done a good job.

Through this step, students can take active part in learning. That would be very helpful for their reading.

Step 2 While-reading

In this part, I mainly adopt the task-based language teaching method. Therefore, I design 3 tasks for students to finish. Firstly, I present a title and a picture of robots to let students predict the topic of passage. After their brainstorming, I write the answer on the blackboard. Secondly, I ask students to use skimming skills to read the passage quickly and get the main idea of each paragraph. After they finish, I invite some students to share their answers with partners. Thirdly, I ask them to notice the usage of will and I present some detailed questions on the screen. They arewhat, when, why ,where, howabout the passage such as what will robots be like in the future? Why do some people disagree with scientists? . Then, students are required to use the scanning skills to read the passage carefully and find the specific information. I will ask a student to speak his or her answers and correct.

In this way, students can understand this passage better and be more familiar with language points. In addition, their reading and speaking skills are improved.

Step 3 Post-reading

To help students consolidate what we have learned, I design 2 activities. The activity 1 is  Story DIY. I divide the class into some groups. I say the fist sentence of robots story, and then students continue the story one by one in groups. They can make up the story according to the passage or with their imagination. Then, I encourage some students to share their stories in the front of the class. The activity 2 is Im a journalist. In the group, one student is an inventor of robots, the others are journalists. They can interview any questions with the newly learned language to the inventor. Then, they also can exchange roles or go to other groups to interview. During this activity, I go around and give some help. I will invite some groups to share their interview. Before the ending, I will ask a student to act as an assistant teacher to conclude what we have learned in this lesson and then we make a summary together.

The purpose of this step is through group work, students can cultivate the spirit of cooperation and train the ability of solving problems individually.

Step 4 Homework

I would set a piece of homework for writing a short passage about your ideal robots and share it in

next class.

Through homework, students can review language points and develop the ability of writing.


Part 8 Teaching reflection

First, through a series of activities such as listening, speaking, reading and so on, this class has aroused students' strong desire to learn. The students have performed actively in class activities and successfully completed the teaching objectives of this class.This class reflects the principal position of students. I designed a large number of activities in the class, and the participation of students is extensive, which fully arouses the enthusiasm of students in learning English. This class reflects the student-oriented education philosophy and arranges student-oriented activities, including cooperation between two students, group cooperation, independent completion of students, as well as guidance of teachers. Through cooperation and competition, the enthusiasm of students is aroused.

Then, this class is from the simple knowledge to the deep knowledge, and from the old knowledge into the new teaching, which is in line with the students' cognitive principles. After half an hour in class, students will feel tired and their enthusiasm for learning will decline. At the beginning, students will use the knowledge they have learned to study, which makes it easier for them to get into the state and pave the way for their later learning.

Also, this class brings happiness into the classroom and creates a pleasant classroom atmosphere. At the beginning of this lesson, students are put in a relaxing and happy atmosphere with activities and games so that they can experience the fun of learning English.

In this lesson, I use the activity-based teaching method and advocate task-based teaching method. However, the guidance of students' activities in the activity was not sufficient, and the purpose of students' independent activities was not really achieved. If I spend more time guiding students to communicate and face all the students, the teaching goals will be more ideal. At the same time, I should control the students' activity time more properly and fully let the students participate in the activity.

In a word, I always pay attention to the center of students in the class and let students learn language through interchange and cooperation. However, due to the lack of experience, my teaching needs to be adjusted. 


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